


1301-1101. 物理学基本思想. 的 development of a conceptual understanding of fundamental physical aspects of 宇宙从经典物理学到现代研究的前沿. 的 distinct contributions that physics makes to the understanding of the physical universe, 以及科学探究的本质和局限性. 本课程探讨 物理学和相关世界观的重大发现. 学生暴露在 to the empirical basis of physics, analytical and laboratory methods, and the conceptual 推理:用来制定物理模型的推理. 三堂课,一周一次实验. 秋天.

2302-2102. 介绍天文学. 的 development of an awareness of the varied astronomical phenomena and a conceptual understanding of the dynamics of the universe ranging from stellar and planetary studies 通过宇宙学. 重点是质疑自然,科学的方法 寻找答案,以及人类与宇宙的关系. 历史环境来自 which the current world view arose is examined, along with notable discoveries that 形成了这种理解. 学生们接触到天文学的经验基础, analytical and laboratory methods, and the conceptual reasoning used to formulate 天文模型. 三堂课,一周一次实验. 春天.

2303-2103. 物理与技术. An introduction to modern physics and science that reviews analytical techniques, 历史观点和当代技术. 这门课程考察科学 解决问题,牛顿物理,量子物理和纳米科学. 知识 property issues and emergent technologies likely to dominate our world for the next 50年. 三堂课,一周一次实验. 秋天.

2305/2105. 普通物理I(三角学) . 课堂、实验和测验.  以代数和三角为基础的入门课程 主要针对医学预科生物学生. 课程包括主题和应用 of physics to the health sciences and covers kinematics and dynamics, the conservation 定律、流体和波浪. 每周三节课和一个三小时的实验.

2306/2106. 普通物理II(三角学) 课堂、实验和测验. 以代数和三角为基础的入门课程为主 为医学预科生准备的. 本课程包括健康的主题和应用 sciences and covers electricity, magnetism, optics, and atomic 核物理学. 每周三节课和一个三小时的实验.

2309/2109. 音乐物理学. 的 development of an awareness of the physical aspects of the production and reproduction 音乐的声音. 研究范围从传统乐器到室内声学 以及现代电子复制和合成技术. 重点放在 on the physics of vibrating systems, and the mechanisms of sound production, transmission, 和感知. 学生接触到基本的物理,这是很重要的 在音乐的制作和感知方面. 三堂课,一周一次实验.

2311. 普通物理I(微积分). Calculus-based introductory course focusing on the principles and laws of mechanics 重点是运动学. 牛顿定律和守恒定律. 物理 强调洞察力和解决问题的能力. 先决条件(或并发) 入读:数学1404. 每周三节课.


2312. 普通物理II(微积分). Calculus-based introductory course focusing on the phenomena and principles of electricity, 磁学和光学. 先决条件(或同时入学):数学1311. 每周三节课. 

2111. 普通物理I(微积分) 实验及测验. 每周的力学问题讨论和实验室实验. Experimental studies of topics covered in mechanics that parallel discussions in the 讲座. 强调基于微机的实验室(MBLs)和分析. 一个三个小时 每周课程.

2112. 普通物理II(微积分) 实验及测验. 每周关于电、磁、光学的问题讨论 以及实验室实验. 涵盖主题的实验调查 电学,磁学和光学与课堂讨论平行. 一个三个小时 每周课程.

3110. 仪表. Introductory course offering training in the use and safety of metal-working equipment 制造定制的实验室部件. 学生将学习硬件和软件 requirements of 3D printing and how to use a lathe, mill, drill press, bandsaw and 机械车间的其他设备. 顶点项目为学生的研究水平做准备 manufacturing through a project that requires making both metal and plastic components. 安全训练是这门课程的主要组成部分.

3120. 量子实验室. Introduction to experimental techniques and error analysis in the fields of atomic 核物理学. 研究包括普朗克定律,原子光谱学 speed of light, the photoelectric effect, the Frank-Hertz effect, and nuclear statistics.

3133. 电子实验室. Investigations of analog and digital electronics with applications to integrated 电路和计算机接口.

3141. 光学实验室. Experimental studies of lenses, polarization, interference, diffraction, Fourier 光谱学,原子力显微镜和全息摄影.

3320. 量子物理学. An introduction to the physics of the twentieth century that surveys developments in relativity theory, wave-particle duality, atomic structure, wave mechanics, and 核理论.

3326. 统计物理学. Fundamentals of basic probability theory and statistical mechanics with application 到热学、热力学、气体动力学理论和量子统计学.

3333. 电子产品. Fundamentals of analog and digital electronics with emphasis on proven techniques 用于科学研究的仪器. 物理原理和性质 of electronic components and circuits and the logical design of digital systems are 讨论了.

3341. 光学. 光学研究,重点是波光学. 主题包括几何 optics, interference, Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction, polarization, holography, 非线性光学.

3363. 计算物理学. An introduction to the use of computers for modeling physical systems that often 不能被分析地表示. 涵盖的主题包括运动与阻力, orbital mechanics, coupled oscillations and waves, electric and magnetic field plotting, 混沌系统,蒙特卡罗模拟,渗透理论,和分形. 简单的 mathematical methods that are developed include numerical differentiation and integration, 欧拉和Verlet算法,以及蒙特卡罗方法.

4120. 先进的实验室. Applications of experimental techniques to fundamental physical phenomena in atomic 核物理学. 高级主题包括晶体学,塞曼效应,傅立叶 spectroscopy, nuclear spectroscopy, X-ray scattering, and neutron activation analysis.

4153-4154. 物理研讨会. Weekly seminar by a member of the 物理系 with 讲座s and discussions 涵盖当前研究中的特定主题. 要求由讲师设定 但是会包括每个学生的口头报告.

4327. 电磁理论. 矢量分析及边值问题导论. 现象学基础 and mathematical descriptions of electrostatics and magnetostatics, the behavior of dielectrics, conductors, and magnetic materials leading to the Maxwell equations.

4328. 电动力学 . 狭义相对论中引入四向量的假设和测量 动力学中的应用. 麦克斯韦方程组的协变公式,变换 of the electromagnetic field, wave propagation, wave guides and cavities, dipole radiation, 利纳德-维切特电势,同步辐射.

4423. 理论力学. An Advanced treatment of Newtonian mechanics with applications to forced oscillations, 中心力运动和非惯性参考系. 张量的介绍 适用于刚体运动. 守恒定理在小振动中的应用 和稳定性导致了力学的拉格朗日和哈密顿公式.

4424. 量子力学. 介绍量子力学的形式结构. 非相对论性波 一维和三维系统的方程和解. 线性向量空间 还有算符,矩阵力学,和变换等价. 广义的角度 氢原子的动量和溶液. 近似方法及应用.

4V43-4V44. 研究实验. 有监督的实验研究只对物理专业的学生开放. 实验课题 investigations and requirements are set by the instructor but include a paper based upon the laboratory experience and an oral presentation of the paper to the faculty 还有系里的学生.

4V45-4V46. 研究的理论. 指导理论研究只对物理专业的学生开放. 理论主题 investigations and requirements are set by the instructor but include a paper based upon the re搜索 experience and an oral presentation of the paper to the department.

4V61-4V62. 独立研究. This course provides the student with an opportunity to examine in depth any topic, 物理学领域中实验性的或理论性的. 它涉及到个人学习 在指导员的指导下.


4364. 核与粒子物理. General properties of the nucleus; the two-nucleon problem, radioactivity, interaction of charged particles and radiation with matter, detection methods, accelerators; fundamental particles and their interactions; symmetries and conservation laws, quark theory, 大统一理论和超对称性.

4365. 凝聚态物理. Models of the crystalline structure, lattice vibrations, specific heat, free electron 气体、能带、半导体、超导和磁性材料.

4366. 天体物理学和宇宙学. 这门课程强调机械、电磁、 以及天体物理学和宇宙学中的量子力学过程. 主题包括恒星 evolution with emphasis on stellar structure and modeling, pulsars, black holes, galactic 形成和结构,核合成,和宇宙模型.

4367. 地球物理学. 一门强调在研究地球时使用的物理技术的课程. 区域 covered include exploration and earthquake seismology, gravimetry, geomagnetism and 古地磁、大地测量学、地热学和板块构造学. 还包括基本的 geophysical discoveries such as the existence of a liquid outer core, a solid inner 地核,以及地球表面上相互连接的板块系统.

4368-4369. 物理专题. Special topics of current re搜索 in physics that vary according to student interest.

5V68和5V69. 概念物理专题. Special courses for high school teachers of physics that emphasize the use of technology 以及教学策略.