Military Science (ROTC) Courses

Military Science (ROTC) Courses

ROTC Courses

Students who wish to earn appointments as commissioned officers in the United States Army or Air 为ce may participate in the general military and professional officer courses at the University of Texas at Arlington (Army) or the University of North Texas  (Air 为ce). All credits earned in ROTC programs may be counted as electives toward the undergraduate degree, but they do not satisfy core or major requirements. A Leadership Concentration is available for ROTC students.

Army ROTC:

  • 0180.             Leadership Lab.                                                碰头.(R) 2:30-5:20
  • 1141–1142. Introduction to ROTC                                       T还是R 11:00-12:30
  • 2251–2252. Team Dev. and Indiv./Team Mil. 战术.     T还是R 11:00-12:30
  • 2291 /4391. Conference Course.                                          不同
  • 3341–3342. ROTC Leadership I and II.                               T & R 12:30-1:00
  • 4341–4342. Advanced ROTC Leadership I and II.            T & R 12:30-1:00

为 additional courses, see UTA—Department of Military Science .

Air 为ce ROTC:

  • 1130–1140. The Air 为ce today.                                         T 1:00-3:45
  • 2130–2140. The Development of Air Power.                     T 1:00-3:45
  • 3410–3420. Air 为ce Leadership/Management.             R 11:00-12:00 and 1:00-2:00
  • 4410–4420. Aerospace Studies.                                          R 11:00-12:00 and 1:00-2:00

为 additional courses, see UNT—Department Aerospace Studies .

The courses for each student year are offered at specific times on their respective Universities, therefore the student’s schedule needs to be centered around them. If conflicts arise between the ROTC classes and the University of Dallas’s classes a compromise can be made between the two academic departments. Also, you can consult the listing in the bulletin and course schedules under ROTC courses.


Concentration Requirements

The University of Dallas is committed to supporting students who wish to earn appointments as commissioned officers in the United States Army or Air 为ce. The Leadership Concentration provides a multidisciplinary program in which students may combine ROTC training with a wide variety of courses from Business, History, Sociology, and the Human Sciences, Philosophy, Politics, and Psychology. The new concentration targets students who are currently enrolled in ROTC training. Its mission is to provide these students with additional knowledge and skills that can further both their military careers and their post-military careers in private enterprise, public service, non-profit organizations, and education.

All students seeking Leadership Concentration are required to take a total of 18 credit 小时. Twelve 小时 of advanced credit are earned in ROTC programs. All ROTC courses will be noted as LDRS courses.

An additional six 小时 of credit are earned at the University of Dallas. Students can draw from among the following three-credit courses:

  • BUS 3302. Leadership and Organizations (prerequisite: BUS 1301. Business Foundations).
  • BUS 3306. Communication in Business (prerequisite: BUS 1301. Business Foundations).
  • HIS 3360. American Military History.
  • HUSC 2301. The World in the Twenty-First Century.
  • PHIL 3334. Business Ethics.
  • POL 3326. The Presidency.
  • POL 3360. Lincoln and His Times.
  • POL 4311. Thucydides: Justice, War, and Necessity.
  • PSY 3338. Social Psychology.

Other courses may be approved at the discretion of the concentration director. 为 students with a GPA of 3.75 or higher, LDRS course in the graduate Leadership Program – LDRS 5320 The Craft of Leadership, LDRS 5350 Story-Telling as a Mode of Thinking, LDRS 5340 Thinking in Time: The Uses of History for Decision-Makers–may also be approved at the discretion of the concentration director. At least one of the University of Dallas courses will be offered every semester.