

健康 isn't one-size-fits-all. FIND YOUR STEP.


我们的 WELLNESS MAP,是一项由天主教基督教人类学为尊严所指导的全校倡议 对于整个人来说,是一个可适应的顺序模型,它对支持进行优先排序 of all students, not just those at the forefront. This model is not a clinical panacea or a trademarked cure-all program. It offers instead pathways towards wellness, utilizing 丰富的资源,确保每个人都能满足自己独特的需求.

If you have any needs or questions, please get in touch 与 us at

Printable Explanatory Presentation.

正规博彩平台不断寻求方法,让学生为生活、工作、 and society in a problematic, changing, and challenging world. UD has a pathway for every student.


WELLNESS MAP is a collaborative approach to thinking and connecting in a community. 的 model provides 支持和鼓励,满足需求,让我们互相帮助,茁壮成长. 从步骤01到步骤08,模型从主动措施转向更紧急的干预措施, 从自主活动到增加干预,从公共健康 to more specialized individual care. Understanding the steps empowers students, families, 教师和工作人员同情和有效地引导学生克服困难 toward a flourishing life.



FIND YOUR STEP. 健康 is not one-size-fits-all. Your path may be something other than 1 through 8. You may need to jump in straight to number 7 or number 3. Maybe you’re good on 2和4,实际上不需要5,但需要更多的帮助,这里的想法是得到 you to where it would be most helpful for you to be.

在校园环境中,全方位的健康模式可以帮助解决相关问题 访问. 它还可以通过招募整个社区的人来鼓励,来消除耻辱感 healthy options for individuals. Individuals who may not have sought traditional mental 卫生服务可以更容易地获得各种服务、资源和支持 campus and community connections. All students may feel more comfortable accessing 照顾的水平是适合他们的具体个人需要.  我们的健康 “测绘步骤”旨在通过提供以下服务,解决精神卫生资源紧张的问题 a more efficient use of resources. By offering lower-intensity interventions as a 第一步,我们可以减少对更密集服务的需求,允许精神 卫生专业人员将精力集中在最需要他们的人身上. This approach 确保每一种资源都得到有效利用,给员工灌输信心 model's effectiveness. 



我们的 健康 Mapping Steps 是否旨在利用已有资源来缓解精神卫生资源的紧张 more efficiently. By offering lower-intensity interventions as a first step, we can 减少对更密集服务的需求,允许精神卫生专业人员 to focus their efforts on those who need them most. This approach ensures that every 有效地利用资源,使人们对模型的有效性充满信心.

一个基本的健康检查可以帮助你识别潜在的健康问题和要点 of improvement and recognize the good points you already possess. 这是 a proactive 确保你照顾好自己的整体健康的方法,尤其是 important during the demanding and stressful college years. 下面是 your free and 保密的工具,提高和改善你的福祉,通过自我意识和 tailored feedback.



作为健康地图的主要基础,有目的的意向性是一个概念 这包括一个过程和努力,有意识地意识到和深思熟虑 actions and thoughts and discerning through decisions. This concept, which may be 对一些人来说,这是一个新概念,对个人来说,促进专注、清晰和目标导向至关重要 行为. 这是一种从经验和占有中获得意义的心理倾向 一种目标导向感,指导有助于支持整体健康的行为. 这种有意识的方法可以让个人更专注、更专注、更有目的, 从而提高认知能力、个人成长和整体幸福感. 

我们目前的情况(暂时的)是来自我们环境的外部因素的动态混合 (影响我们的人、地点、事物)和内部因素——我们的认知(如何) 我们思考),我们做什么或不做什么(行为),以及情绪(我们的感受). 我们不能 总是控制我们的环境或感觉,但我们可以更好地控制我们的思想 and 行为. 的 direction we set our feet, how we listen to our emotions, and where we lead our thoughts reinforce a negative or active cycle.



**Life isn’t always this easy. If you need additional support or help, contact us for further assistance.

通过改变我们的思维方式,让我们的情绪来引导我们,而不是控制我们 我们,改善亲社会的人际关系,尽我们所能,倡导 为了满足我们的需要,有目的地生活,我们可以逐渐地 but significantly improve our mental well-being. This process may take time, but it offers hope and a sense of control over our lives.

Purposeful Intentionality is not a new theory of psychology. Instead, it combines the common factors from various 几个世纪以来,古老的智慧、哲学和理论被证明可以帮助个人 spiritual insights, all the way to modern psychological re搜索.

To effectively manage Purposeful Intentionality, you must first have a purpose. 的 question, “Why am I here,” as an existential exploration, is not quickly or succinctly answered. Everyone here at UD wants to complete formal education for some end goal— “A purpose.” Sometimes, this is a goal and not “THE purpose.” Sometimes, your purpose is to find a purpose. Sometimes, your purpose is just getting through the next day. Being well is an internal choice and disposition, not an external pressure, expectation, or state of being. More on this in Step 3.

Whatever your motivation, the 健康 MapPurposeful Intentionality can help you move in the right direction. With each Step, we will introduce some 考虑,反思,或行动点,你采取你的当前状态 the next level of wellness.


首先,一个基本的健康检查可以帮助你识别潜在的健康问题 和改进点,并认识到你已经拥有的优点. 这是 一种积极主动的方式来确保你照顾好自己的整体健康,这 在要求高、压力大的大学里,这一点尤其重要吗. 下面是 你的免费和保密的工具,通过自我意识来增强和改善你的幸福. 

Click on any of the Steps below to learn more:

WELLNESS MAP 倡议站在我们的校园社区整体支持的灯塔,接地气 in the profound principles of Catholic Christian Anthropology. It embraces diversity 和个性,认识到健康是每个人独特的旅程 Purposeful Intentionality. 这一计划不是预示着一种一刀切的解决方案,而是提供了一种基于社区的解决方案 探索和赋权的框架,提供通往健康的多种途径. 通过优先考虑每个人的尊严和培养包容的文化, 正规博彩平台作为一所培养独立思考者的天主教大学, 模范努力营造一个所有成员都能茁壮成长的校园环境, embodying the essence of holistic well-being.

We’re here to walk alongside you as you take your step toward wellness. Whether self-led, 在社区的支持下,获得临床或指导支持,或者在校外寻找, UD is here for you.

Contact our Case Manager for more support: 972-721-4045.

Find Your Step and Be Well! 

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健康映射步骤和有目的的意向性材料©2023,的 Mental Well, 事务所. All rights reserved and used 与 permission.
Hero Background Image by Carl Swanson, 2020, open source.